the first 2 weeks of my senior capstone studio was involved in a design competition with IDEC: and was an international competition. i worked with my two good friends, jamie and sabo and we took this competition to a whole new level.
we decided to focus on the lost generation - we wanted to solve the problem of these kids who no longer have a childhood, and instead are focused on taking care of their sick parents and younger siblings. we made a safe, and exciting place for these kids to come and do just that - BE KIDS. it is called safe haven park and within this park is the tree of hope.
safe haven park.
safe haven park will have field for the kids to play. soccer, rugby and volleyball are huge in south africa - so to have a place for them to go and play sports is of the upmost importance. within safe haven park there will also be the tree of hope.
tree of hope.
the tree of hope will offer a fun play ground with little to no resources taken from the community. we put this design on our three boards and expressed our design very thoroughly -
we should know by this week if we make it onto the regional competition - i will keep you all posted! hope you enjoyed :)
This looks great Meredith! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Amanda! Hope all is well :)