
freelance work.

when i have spare time, i love to design invitations, posters, announcements, etc. my sophomore year , we learned style, design and graphics from the master... peek. the most intimidating lady you'll meet, but once you're done with her class, you feel as if she is your best friend. her class was one of the most challenging classes i have ever taken, and while i did not describe it as fun during the time, it is my favorite class i have taken in auburn, as well. i have never had a professor as good as peek. she has allowed me to think "outside of the box" and learn beyond what is required. so i have taken my education in interiors and paired it with my love for design to make these invitations/posters for friends. if you ever want an invitation, please get in touch with me... i would love to help you out!

a fashion show invite designed for my friend and business owner.

 put on by myself and a few other bridesmaids honoring one of my best friends. can't believe she's getting married next month!

a private shopping party at a fabulous store, the pink alligator, in my hometown of hanover, nh.

a poster put together for my friend and dance teacher. it was a great show!

1 comment:

  1. oh! i might need your help with this sort of thing! as i start with my thirty-one business, i am hoping to be a part of lots of parties this year! fun! maybe i can come to auburn and we can do one!

    p.s. i LOVE your new look on the blog. will you pretty please help me come up with something lovely for my blog? i don't hate it, but i want LOVELY like this one...

    p.p.s I LOVE YOU!
