everyone needs to follow a few blogs that i absolutely love. they were the ones that started me on my love for blogs, and i owe my interest and passion to them.

1st - a schematic life blog. written/created/designed by an interior designer based out of vancouver, michelle has the best blog out there. her renderings are amazing, and make me want to learn and practice, daily. she has youtube videos that show how to render, and i follow and study those like it is my job. i love her blog, and think everyone who has an eye for design will, too.

2nd - interior divine. a fun, beautifully simplistic blog that offers inspirational images almost daily. i come to this site when i need intrigue and ideas. her photos and interiors are JUST my taste :)
visit those and tell me what you think. i'll post more later!
i love your blog! it's so very you, mere. i am checking out these other two blogs now!