
fill in the blank friday.

i'm trying a new blogging idea called fill in the blank friday's. my big sister katie lead me to this blog and i absolutely love the idea of it. so, if you want to join me in this new fun tradition, please do! i think it is a fun way to get to know the people you follow. enjoy ~ and happy friday.

1.   My most prized possession is  my square painting project. it is a 4x4 abstract painting i made with individually painted 1/2inch squares painted solid colors. it was for a project in sophomore studio, and while it was a painful process that had many all-nighters involved... i really enjoy it now.

2.  If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be  where i am right now - in my 20's, in college, with all of my best friends. sadly, most of my friends have graduated, but if i could bring them all back and spend every day, weekend, & night with them again, i would in a heartbeat.

3.  The best way to spend a weekend is   with the people i love (including my puppy because i count her as a human). i love to spend one day catching up on everything that got piled up throughout the week (like cleaning and excess homework) and then the rest of the time hanging out with friends, or relaxing.

4.  My outlook on life is  you can't change what is going to happen, but you can change the way you react to it.

5.  If you want to annoy me, just  complain about everything, and think that you are the only one going through a hard time. i know SO MANY who are going through harder times than most people have in their lifetime, and they don't complain about anything.... they are so uplifting and strong and it makes me really value my life and realize that you can't take anything for granted.

6.  I am completely defenseless when it comes to sour patch kids :/

7.  When dressing for the day one should   dress in whatever makes you feel good enough to tackle the day. don't dress to follow the rules, dress how you want to!

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