
fill in the blank friday.

{fill in the blank friday}
while this is not my favorite fill-in-the-blank sesh... i still enjoyed it. i love thinking about vacations, but right now all i really want to do is BE ON ONE. that will happen to me soon enough, i suppose.... and besides, aren't i basically ON a vacay for the summer? i get to see my boyfriend every day (huge deal since we're long-distance), live in an amazing city (washington d.c.), and go to a fantastic internship where i feel more like i am playing than working.
hope your summer is just as enjoyable!

1.   This weekend I'm   hanging out with Bryce - getting some SUN - and babysitting with melissa.

2.  My last vacation was  our roadtrip to Hanover over memorial day weekend.

3.  My next vacation will be    to peachtree city for 4th of july! can't wait for more sun.

4.  My favorite way to relax is  to watch a movie, hang out and read a book outside or play with my puppy.

5.  When vacationing one should always  do what they please!! you're on vaca... it's your time to relax and recharge......

6.  When vacationing one should never       count calories. i totally stole this from the original "fill in the blank" blogger... but it is so true. there is only one life. there are very few vacations. don't spend it counting your calories. ew.

7.  The best part about a vacation is  {are} the memories afterwards.  i love looking at pictures of my vacation and realizing how much fun i had, i relaxed i was....i feel like after a good vacation you grow closer to those who went on the trip with you - you share a special bond over it. i love it.

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