
fill-in-the-blank friday!

happy friday!
here are my fill-in-the-blanks from "the little things we do" {find her blog under my "inspiration" column}

1.   People always tell me I look like  "someone they know". i get that all the time, but they can never figure out who that someone is.... maybe i just have a familiar face? oh - and i get that i look like kate hudson {even though i don't have her body AT ALL... we just have the same big cheeks}.

2.  Friends don't let friends  go to alabama.

3.  A sunny day is perfect for  having a red-neck cookout! this weekend we are grilling out on the back porch, buying cheap-o beach chairs, putting on our bathing-suits and day-drinking. sounds like fun to me!

4.  My favorite accessory is my heart necklace. my mom has the same one and neither of us take it off! i gave it to her on her birthday a few years ago.

5.  If I could afford it I would get my nails done every 3 days. i LOVE freshly painted nails when they are all shiny and glossy and not chipped... but by the 3rd day they have grown out a tad, chipped a teeny bit and don't look as hot. 

6.  The cure for boredom is  TO BLOG!

7.  I am currently "in like" with being a "fake real person". i'm not 100% real yet because this is only for the summer - but i am living in a HUGE city {washington d.c.} when i am from a teeny town and go to school in a teeny town.... i am interning in an architecture firm which is about 10 miles from my house i am living in for the summer - so i have to commute to and from each day. i get to get dressed up and look professional, have my coffee when i get to work and have my own personal email! i love planning out what we will eat for our dinners, drinking red wine at night with my bf while watching his stupid sports. it's honestly perfection. but i don't want to be "in love" with being a fake real person, because it is going to be ending in a mere 3 months, so i don't want to have my heart broken.


  1. Aw, Kate Hudson is cute!
    Your #7 makes me smile and breaks my heart all at the same time... :]

  2. Have you tried gel nails (referring to #6)? It's not fake nails it's just really strong paint that dries under UV light and it lasts for 2 weeks without chipping!
