
life as an intern: week one.

just thought i would give everyone an update on my 
life as an intern. 

so now i have officially been working at fox architects as an intern for ONE WEEK. i am feeling more comfortable as each day continues. i work in mclean, virginia and my office is right in tysons corner, which is a very nice part of the dc metro area. unfortunately, there are two fabulous malls right around the corner from my office, so i am struggling with not making a bee-line there each day after i leave the office. i am living in arlington, virginia, so my commute is a mere 8 miles - - - which in d.c. terms and traffic translates into approximately 30 minutes. i have found a great back-roads route to work which i love to take because it wakes my mind and spirit up driving through the cute neighborhoods and towns. gives me a moment to breathe before i get to work.

once i get to work i put my stuff down at my desk, and go straight to the pantry where there is an insane coffee maker that i'm obsessed with. i drink about 3 cups throughout the day.... oopsies. i come back to my desk, check my email and then get to work with my projects! currently i have been assisting on three projects doing fairly minor things {but big time for me} which have included designing a reception desk for a data firm, designing custom area rugs which are going into a lobby space, and setting up a small construction document set for a renovation of an office space. before i know it, it is 4pm and i am having to wrap up my work so i can pull out of the office by 530-ish.

at home i am attempting to study {key work being attempting} for my LEED GA exam which i am taking soon. i best be wrapping this post up and getting back to studying before i have to get ready for work. but talking to blogger is just so much more fun......


  1. Glad things are going well in DC, Mere! Proud of you.

  2. I cant Believe i just read a blog.... thats how much you mean to me mere.... i paid attention to a blog...I MISS YOU
